My Favourite Movies To Give Me Wanderlust

The last month, in Bucharest, the weather has been so moody. It rained, it snowed and it was kinda gloomy and it was a wonderful time to watch some movies. My cup of tea definitely goes well with my favourite movies. These movies aren’t necessarily about travel (although some of them they are) but I’m recommending them for the feeling you get.


Ultima luna, in Bucuresti, vremea a fost tare schimbatoare. A plouat, a nins si a fost destul de mohorat si cred ca este o perioada buna de urmarit filme. Cana mea cu ceai merge de minune impreuna cu filmele mele preferate. Filmele pe care le recomand nu sunt neaparat de calatorii (desi undele sunt) si le recomanda mai degraba pentru sentimentul pe care ti-l dau.

1. Meet Me in St. Louise

Although you can easily say that it’s a love story, it gives me the boost to find places I’ve never discovered before. It inspires me to discover my own city in different ways and also makes me think about living somewhere else in the world. What would I like to see? What car would I’ve been driving? Would I ride a bike? How I’d spend my time?

The music is a key element in almost every one of these movies and the music in this one makes me wanna take a stroll.


Desi poate trece cu usurinta drept o poveste de dragoste, pe mine ma duce cu gandul la locuri pe care nu le-am descoperit inca. Ma inspira pentru a-mi descoperi propriul oras in diverse moduri si ma face sa ma gandesc cum ar fi sa traiesc in alta parte. Ce mi-ar placea sa vad? As conduce o masina? As merge cu bicicleta? Cum mi-as petrece timpul?

Muzica este iar un element cheie in cam toate filmele iar muzica din filmul asta chiar iti face pofta de o plimbare.

2. August Rush

August Rush is about music and the bounds it created. An orphanage boy started to search for his natural parents.

There’s a lot of adventure in this movie and… music. :D


August Rush este despre muzica si legaturile pe care le creeaza. Un copil de la orfelinat a pornit in cautarea parintilor lui naturali.

Este multa aventura in filmul asta. Si… muzica :D

3. Chocolat

I love chocolate and I love, love travels and this movie has it all. Do you want to discover new sensations? In my opinion, that’s the perfect movie for this.

Vianne and her daughter, Anouk, are some sort of globe-trotters and they arrived here, in France, after they lived in several places in Europe. Their energy changed the whole villages’ dynamics. Did I make you curious?

The soundtrack is stunning!


Ador ciocolata si ador calatoriile iar filmul asta le combina cumva pe amandoua. Vrei sa iti trezesti senzatii noi? Este in opinia mea filmul perfect pentru asta.

Vianne si fiica ei, Anouk, sunt un fel de globe-trotters au ajuns aici, in Franta, dupa ce au trait in mai multe parti din Europa. Energia lor schimba efectiv toata dinamica satului. V-am facut curiosi?

Coloana sonora este bestiala!

4. Midnight in Paris

Here’s a movie made in Paris. I’ve never seen Paris (nor France) but this movie made me put it on my bucket list.

Besides the love story, a common theme in all the movies, there is a strong adventure feeling. Ready or not, here I come :)


Iata un alt film a carui actiune se intampla in Paris. Nu am vizitat Parisul (si nici Franta) dar filmul asta mi-a facut mare pofta.

Pe langa povestea de dragoste, prezenta cam in toate filmele, este un puternic sentiment de aventura. Cine nu e gata il iau cu lopata:)

5. Once (2007)

This is a movie about life and what it can mean. Rather nostalgic, it made me think about the nomad life. Maybe because the feminine character it’s a Czech woman came in Dublin.

Should I tell you about the music? It’s a beautiful musical, for those who appreciate this genre.

Any other suggestions? I’d love to add some new movies on my list. What movie took you far away? What movie inspired your trips? Leave a comment below.


Este un film despre ce poate sa insemne viata. Usor nostalgic, m-a dus cu gandul la viata de nomad. Probabil si in asociere cu personajul feminin care este o femeie ceha venita in Dublin.

Sa mai zic ceva de muzica? Este un musical foarte frumos, pentru cine apreciaza genul.

Alte propuneri? Mi-ar placea sa mai adaug cateva filme pe lista. Ce film te-a dus cu gandul departe? Ce film ti-a inspirat calatoriile? Lasa un comentariu mai jos.

Love, Andreea

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